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Where leaders learn to increase their Performance + Happiness

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As a leader, you’re constantly juggling responsibilities, navigating complex challenges, and striving for both personal and professional growth. You might be wondering if executive coaching is the right move for you. Here’s how to determine if it’s time to invest in yourself and how coaching can be a game-changer. What to Consider: How Evolve’s Executive […]


IntroductionLife is full of stressors—deadlines, meetings, and endless to-do lists—that can easily make us feel overwhelmed. However, many of the things that cause stress aren’t as important as they seem. The mantra “It Doesn’t Freaking Matter” is a powerful reminder to let go of unnecessary worries and focus on what’s truly important. In this blog […]


Every project feels like a do-or-die moment. Every presentation feels like a career-defining opportunity. You fear that if you don’t volunteer for extra tasks, if you don’t nail every single one, if you dare to leave early or set boundaries, you’ll be marked as “not dedicated enough.” You’ll lose out on that promotion, be passed up, labeled as “not quite there.”

A working mom is asked if you could end the chaos if you would be ready for it from Shayla King, life coach for women, who is offering a new course for working moms to end the overwhelm

Let me paint the scene for ya. I’m a mom, a global business leader with autoimmune diseases, and let me tell you, mornings and I are not friends. This particular morning, my left arm was curled up on my chest in a v-shape, refusing to budge. Frozen in fear, I wondered if this was my new reality. How was I supposed to support my children, play with them, if I couldn’t move?

Executive coach and life coach Shayla King shares how she was promoted to the c-suite after health challenges, and dealing with burnout, mom-guilt, and being a workaholic. Looking to slow down but still achieve her dreams, Shayla created a better way to balance work and life and now helps working moms achieve more, work less, and love their home life without burnout.

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves caught up in the relentless pursuit of professional success. As a recovering workaholic, I know firsthand the toll this lifestyle can take on our well-being and personal lives. But through self-reflection and learning from successful executives, I discovered that there is a […]

Working moms are struggling with balancing career and family, That mental tug-of-war of “Should I strive for that promotion, or is it going to take too much away from my family time?”
There is a way out. Coaching from a mom, who has been there, done that and bought the t-shirt. Learn more about Shayla King and how life coaching can help you in this blog.

In the fast-paced world of corporate leadership, the demands are high, both at work and at home. Balancing the responsibilities of leading a team, making strategic decisions, and managing a household can often feel like a juggling act with no end in sight. I remember a time when I was the embodiment of a hot […]


In today’s fast-paced world, what worked for you in the past may not always be effective. Whether you’re stepping into a new role, receiving unexpected feedback, or facing evolving expectations, adapting can feel challenging. That’s why I’m excited to share a new resource designed to help you navigate these changes with confidence! Introducing Our New […]

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Asking your company to invest in executive coaching can be a pivotal step in advancing your career and enhancing your contributions to the organization. However, making a compelling case requires a clear understanding of the value you’ll bring and how coaching benefits the company. Here’s a strategic approach to help you effectively communicate the value […]


As Human Resources leaders, you understand the critical role that executive coaching plays in developing your organization’s top talent. However, not all coaching programs deliver the results you’re looking for. To ensure your executives receive the most impactful coaching, it’s essential to focus on several key elements that make a difference in their growth and […]


Is your company going through major changes like layoffs, leadership shifts, or acquisitions? When stress levels soar and uncertainty reigns, it can bring out the worst in people. You might find yourself dealing with condescending comments, short tempers, and even outright hostility. It can feel like you’re stuck in the middle of a circus. But […]

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In the fast-paced corporate world, executives often face high-pressure situations where immediate responses are required. How you respond in these moments can define your leadership presence. Maintaining composure and responding effectively is key to demonstrating strong leadership. Let’s explore some strategies to help you stay cool and respond appropriately under fire. Conclusion Staying cool and […]


In the corporate jungle, understanding and navigating executive egos is an essential skill. Executives have big personalities and significant influence, so you need to approach them with respect and strategic thinking. Let’s dive into some strategies that will ensure your ideas are not just heard but valued. Understand Their Perspective Executives have a broad view […]


In today’s fast-paced world, achieving work-life balance can seem like an impossible task. With constant demands from work, family, and other responsibilities, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Work-life harmony offers a different approach, focusing on finding a rhythm that works for you and allows for flexibility and adjustments as needed. In this blog […]

Shayla king; Executive Life Coach- Increasing your performance + Happiness

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You don't have to settle for a good life. You can have extraordinary.  You can be wildly successful and love your home life and relationships. 
As a life coach for leaders, I have a proven system that will allow working parents to accomplish your dreams, improve your relationships, have the energy you need to live your best life.
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