Shayla-King-Executive-Coach-Unlearning strengths stop working and Adapting for Peak Performance-Free-tools-Evolve-Austin-Chicago-Los-Angeles-Wichita

When What Was Working Isn’t Anymore: Adapting to Change and Feedback for Peak Performance

In today’s fast-paced world, what worked for you in the past may not always be effective. Whether you’re stepping into a new role, receiving unexpected feedback, or facing evolving expectations, adapting can feel challenging. That’s why I’m excited to share a new resource designed to help you navigate these changes with confidence!

Introducing Our New Free Video: “When What Was Working Isn’t Anymore: Adapting to Change and Feedback for Peak Performance

This concise, actionable video dives into the common struggles of adapting to new roles, dealing with constructive feedback, and evolving in your career. Here’s what you’ll discover:

  • Why Your Strengths Might No Longer Be Effective: Understand how traits that once contributed to your success can become obstacles and what you can do about it.
  • Navigating New Feedback: Learn strategies to handle and adapt to new feedback that may seem challenging or confusing.
  • Embracing Change: Get practical tips on how to realign your approach and continue thriving despite shifting expectations

Why Watch This Video?

Adapting to change is crucial for maintaining peak performance and continuing your growth journey. This video offers practical insights and strategies to help you turn potential setbacks into opportunities for advancement. Whether you’re dealing with a new boss, new company dynamics, or just need to refine your approach, this video is here to guide you.
Ready to Watch?

Access the video now by entering your email below. You’ll receive the video directly to your inbox or can watch it immediately.

Feel free to share your thoughts or questions with me after watching—I’d love to hear how these insights help you adapt and excel!

Your coach, cheerleader, and accountability partner,
Shayla King

About the Autor

I’m a mom from Kansas who worked my way up from being an IHOP waitress to a C-Suite executive. I had to learn through trial and error and hundreds of hours of studying how to excel at work and at home.

I found so many other working parents were struggling with either their career or their home life and wanted more. So I built solutions and now offer:

  • 1:1 coaching year-long career & life transformation,
  • group programs & exec coaching for companies,
  • online courses to help you simplify & level up your life.

Reach out today for your free 1:1 executive coaching consult:

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You don't have to settle for a good life. You can have extraordinary.  You can be wildly successful and love your home life and relationships. 
As a life coach for leaders, I have a proven system that will allow working parents to accomplish your dreams, improve your relationships, have the energy you need to live your best life.
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