
Is It Time to Leave? A Comprehensive Guide to Evaluating Your Career Move

Are you contemplating whether to stay in your current job or make a change? Deciding to leave a job can be one of the most challenging career decisions you make. To help you navigate this process, I’ve developed a comprehensive evaluation tool that will guide you through assessing your situation and planning your next steps.

Why Download This Tool?

The decision to stay or leave a job is often complex, involving various factors and emotions. My free tool, “Is It Time to Leave? A Comprehensive Evaluation Tool,” is designed to help you:

  • Reflect on Your Career Goals: Gain clarity on what you truly want from your career and assess your current job satisfaction.
  • Evaluate the Gaps: Identify the differences between your current situation and your desired career outcome.
  • Analyze Control and Change Potential: Focus on areas within your control that you can improve, including setting boundaries, avoiding perfectionism, and building self-confidence.
  • Develop an Action Plan: Create a strategy for staying in your current role or preparing for a transition if you decide it’s time to move on.

What’s Inside the Guide?

  • Reflect on What You Want: Tools to help you clarify your career aspirations and job satisfaction.
  • Evaluate the Gap: Methods to assess the discrepancies between your current role and your career goals.
  • Analyze Control and Change Potential: Insights into improving your Results, Relationships, and Rituals.
  • Action Plan: Steps to help you either enhance your current role or prepare for a new opportunity.

Ready to gain clarity and take control of your career?

Download the tool now to start your evaluation and make informed decisions about your future. Simply enter your email below to receive the guide straight to your inbox.

By downloading the guide, you’ll also receive access to additional resources and updates that can support your career growth and personal development.

Need personalized support? If you’re looking for tailored guidance to enhance your career and life, I offer one-on-one coaching designed to meet your unique needs. Schedule a free consultation to explore how we can work together to create a career and life you love.

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About the Autor

I’m a mom from Kansas who worked my way up from being an IHOP waitress to a C-Suite executive. I had to learn through trial and error and hundreds of hours of studying how to excel at work and at home.

I found so many other working parents were struggling with either their career or their home life and wanted more. So I built solutions and now offer:

  • 1:1 coaching year-long career & life transformation,
  • group programs & exec coaching for companies,
  • online courses to help you simplify & level up your life.

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You don't have to settle for a good life. You can have extraordinary.  You can be wildly successful and love your home life and relationships. 
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