career coach, get promoted, leadership coach, executive coach Shayla King teaches leaders how to prepare for their performance review and compensation review

How to prepare for your performance review and compensation reviews – tools from an HR leader

How to Nail Your Performance Review and Boost That Paycheck

Do you want to crush your performance review, making everyone wonder if you’ve got some top-secret corporate playbook? Spoiler alert: I do have the playbook. As a former Chief People Officer, I’ve been deep inside the corporate machinery, and I’ve got the insider secrets you need. Let’s dive straight in.

Reflect on the Past

Kick things off by revisiting last year’s review. What did you nail, and where did you fall short? It’s vital to understand your past performance to better plan your present and future actions.

Quantify Your Achievements

This year, you’ve achieved a lot. But remember, vague statements won’t get you far. Be specific. Instead of saying, “I led a team of five,” pinpoint exact outcomes: “My leadership resulted in a 15% increase in sales worth $600k.” Don’t just tell me you got a project done “on time and under budget.” Tell me why I should care. Completing the project allowed the engineering team to reduce design time by 11%, saving 12,000 hours, equivalent to $1.2m in cost avoidance. of saying, “I led a team,” pinpoint exact outcomes: “My leadership resulted in a 15% increase in sales.”

Arm Your Manager

Your manager is your advocate in those higher-up calibration meetings. Aka the seeming black hole compensation recommendations go into for 4-8 weeks. Make their job easier. Provide them with a clear list of your achievements, making sure they’re equipped to champion your cause. Keep the examples short but meaningful and picture them having to give context to someone not familiar with you or the project.

The Path Forward

Performance reviews aren’t just about looking back; they’re about paving the way for your future in the company. Be proactive. Highlight your achievements, address shortcomings, and outline a vision for the next year.

Your Turn: How are you preparing for your performance review? What strategies do you employ to ensure you stand out? Share below! Every insight counts as we navigate this journey together. 📈📝

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Hey there, I’m Shayla King! 🌟I began by flipping pancakes at IHOP and then hustled my way up to the corporate C-Suite before 40. My journey’s had it all. At first, it was grueling. On top of the challenges of being a young woman trying to climb the ladder in male dominated industries, I was also a single mom battling autoimmune diseases.

The silver lining? I spearheaded leadership development at some of America’s largest companies. I used those skills to distill those trials and triumphs into a proven framework. Now, I’m here to help ambitious moms like you design a life of ease and joy. If this IHOP gal can rise, redesign, and thrive, so can you.

Let’s evolve together!

Your coach, cheerleader, and accountability partner,

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