Shayla King executive life coach sitting on a couch smiling coaching a leader

Of course working moms are overwhelmed, the expectations are ridiculous. But is there a way out?

Hey Working Moms, I see you!

So you don’t love your life. But you haven’t changed it. This may be why…

Every project feels like a do-or-die moment. Every presentation feels like a career-defining opportunity. You fear that if you don’t volunteer for extra tasks, if you don’t nail every single one, if you dare to leave early or set boundaries, you’ll be marked as “not dedicated enough.” You’ll lose out on that promotion, be passed up, labeled as “not quite there.”

But ya know what? Unfortunately, that relentless pursuit of perfection? It’s a never-ending cycle, and it’s time to break free. It’s time to know that you can be highly successful without burning the midnight oil and putting everything else on hold.

What if I told you there’s a way to still climb higher without the fear of losing out? A way to work smarter, not harder, and still make a fantastic impression on your bosses?

I didn’t believe it either, until I tried it myself and it kept working. I kept working less. And making more.

Now that I’ve done it, I want you to know that it is possible. I’m living proof that it can be done without sacrificing your sanity or family time.

As an executive life coach, I will I teach you how to leverage your existing strengths, update your thoughts, increase your confidence, and learn that less is more, so you can have more sleep, more joy, more LIFE, and yes, more success at work.

Ready to redefine what good looks like to include success AND happiness simultaneously?

Let’s Evolve Together!

Schedule your 1:1 session consultation today!

Hey there, I’m Shayla King! 🌟I began by flipping pancakes at IHOP and then hustled my way up to the corporate C-Suite before 40. My journey’s had it all. At first, it was grueling. On top of the challenges of being a young woman trying to climb the ladder in male dominated industries, I was also a single mom battling autoimmune diseases.

The silver lining? I spearheaded leadership development at some of America’s largest companies. I used those skills to distill those trials and triumphs into a proven framework. Now, I’m here to help ambitious moms like you design a life of ease and joy. If this IHOP gal can rise, redesign, and thrive, so can you.

Let’s Evolve Together.

Your coach, cheerleader, and accountability partner, Shayla

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You don't have to settle for a good life. You can have extraordinary.  You can be wildly successful and love your home life and relationships. 
As a life coach for leaders, I have a proven system that will allow working parents to accomplish your dreams, improve your relationships, have the energy you need to live your best life.
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