
Mastering the Performance Review Process: Your Guide to Getting Paid What You Deserve

If you want to get paid what you deserve, it’s time to advocate for yourself as performance reviews approach.

Executives are often the least prepared for the performance review process.

Many assume their leaders already know what they’ve done and don’t need their input.

Spoiler alert: Execs need to prepare too.

As a former Chief People Officer, I’ve been deep inside the corporate machinery, and I’ve got the insider tips you need. Let’s dive straight in.

Reflect on the Past

Kick things off by revisiting last year’s review. What did you nail, and where did you fall short? Understanding your past performance is vital for planning your present and future actions.

Quantify Your Achievements

This year, you’ve achieved a lot. But remember, vague statements won’t get you far. Be specific. Instead of saying, “I led a team,” pinpoint exact outcomes: “My leadership resulted in a 15% increase in sales.”

Arm Your Manager

Your manager is your advocate in those higher-up meetings. Make their job easier. Provide them with a clear list of your achievements, equipping them to champion your cause.
Use the SCOI formula to structure your list:

Situation: Give context.
Contribution: What was your role? How did you improve the situation?
Outcome: What got done? Was it on time and on budget?
Impact: Why should anyone care? Did it save money or time?

Schedule Time with Your Leader

Don’t forget to schedule a time to review your achievements with your supervisor.
When you meet, explain your intent. Let them know you want to track the value you’re adding and hope this helps them in their discussions about your performance and compensation.
Also, ask if there’s anything else they need from you as they prepare. This shows initiative and a willingness to support them.

The Path Forward

Performance reviews aren’t just about looking back; they’re about paving the way for your future in the company. Be proactive. Highlight your achievements, address shortcomings, and outline a vision for the next year.

Your Turn

How are you preparing for your performance review? What strategies do you employ to ensure you stand out? Share below! Every insight counts as we navigate this journey together. 📈📝

Want to dive deeper? Join my newsletter this week, where we’re discussing exactly what you need to do to prepare your boss to get you the most $.

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You are in charge of your career and compensation—no one else is. Be proactive and give yourself the best chance!

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Hi I’m Shayla

I’m a mom from Kansas who worked my way up from being an IHOP waitress to a C-Suite executive. I had to learn through trial and error and hundreds of hours of studying how to excel at work and at home.

I found so many other working parents were struggling with either their career or their home life and wanted more. So I built solutions and now offer:

  • 1:1 coaching year-long career & life transformation,
  • group programs & exec coaching for companies,
  • online courses to help you simplify & level up your life.

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